

We now have a lot more information about the location and availability of Defibrillators in Duffield.

Some are available for public use, 24/7, and others are on private property primarily for use on the premises when open.

Sudden cardiac arrest is a leading cause of premature death. A person’s chance of survival increases from 6% to 70% if treated with an AED and effective CPR within the first 5 minutes.

Many people who collapse with cardiac arrest can be saved if people nearby:

  1. Recognise what has happened and call 999 (or 112) for an emergency ambulance immediately – the telephone operator will tell you whether there is an AED
  2. Start and continue cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) – especially chest compressions until the ambulance arrives.
  3. Use an AED to shock the heart back to its normal rhythm – You don’t need any training to use an AED in an emergency. Voice prompts tell you what to do.

Publicly Accessible AEDs

  1. Co Op
  2. Meadow Vale Carpets
  3. Anthony Andrews Butchers
  4. Duffield Fire Station
  5. Eyes Meadow – changing rooms
  6. Chevin Golf Club – installation in progress
  7. Possible future location – Scout Hut/Catholic Church area
  8. Potential Future Location – Ecclesbourne Meadows

Restricted Access AEDs

  • Duffield Meadows Primary School
  • Ecclesbourne School – Sports Hall
  • Appletree Medical Practice
  • Marshalls Dentist
  • William Gilbert Primary School
  • Duffield Squash & Tennis Club
  • Chevin Golf Club – Green Keepers Hut
  • Ecclesbourne School

The map below shows where the defibrillators (AEDs) are located.