Duffield Defibrillators – What to do in an emergency – CPR and how to use a defib

There are some very useful videos that tell you what to do in case of an emergency:

See Radio Derby’s link for more information on resuscitation and use of an AED https://fb.watch/6cApLlgL78/
or visit the British Heart Foundation’s website to view their CPR information and video.

(You can download the presentation here: CPR Training)

  • A sudden cardiac arrest can happen anywhere, but you are most likely to be at home.
  • The heart will suddenly stop beating and breathing may be abnormal or stop. Blood won’t be being pumped to the brain and other vital organs.
  • Its time to act! Every minute without CPR will significantly reduce their chance of survival.
  • Shout for nearby help and always check for danger before approaching the person.
  • Shout at them, and gently shake or tap their shoulders to check for a response.
  • Check their breathing. Current guidance recommends looking for the rise and fall of their chest. Do not put your ear or cheek close to the person’s face.
  • If they are not breathing, or not breathing normally, call 999 and explain what has happened. If on a mobile, put it on speaker.
  • The call handler will talk you through how to perform CPR and tell you if there is an automatic external defibrillator (AED) nearby.
  • Send someone to fetch it but don’t leave the person if you are on your own.
  • During times of increased risk to the rescuer it is recommended that you put a cloth or towel over the person’s mouth and nose before starting compressions.
  • Its time to give the heart a helping hand. Place one hand on top of the other and interlock your fingers.
  • Place your hands on the centre of their chest and begin pushing hard. Aim for two beats per second and do not stop unless someone can take over, you are exhausted, the AED arrives or the emergency call handler tells you to.
  • If an AED arrives, this can give an electrical shock to help restart the heart. It will talk you through the whole process so listen carefully to the instructions.
  • Continue CPR until the person shows signs of life, the AED advises another shock or until a paramedic takes over. CPR gives a person their best chance at life.

There are some great interactive films here, by the Resuscitation Council. They take you through lots of different scenarios: https://life-saver.org.uk

Some video resources from the British Heart foundation