These are some of the projects that the DCA has helped to fund:

(You can see some of the results HERE)

Year Organisation Project
2015 St Alkmunds Vestry oak cupboards
2015 Silver Leaves Xmas lunches for the elderly
2015 Millenium Meadow Interpretation boards
2016 Arts Festival General support
2016 Duffield Scouts Contribution to roof repairs
2016 Duffield Guides Cooking Equipment  for camping
2016 Massive General support for Youth Club
2016 EVR Furnishing waiting room at Duffield Station
2017 Silver Leaves Xmas lunch transport for the elderly members of Silver Leaves
2017 Baptist Ch Roof repairs
2017 Millenium Meadow Information noticeboard (wild flowers)
2017 Duffield Bowling Club General support for Club
2018 Silver Leaves Christmas lunch for the elderly members of Silver Leaves
2018 Ecclesbourne Rangers tent for girls in the Ecclesbourne Rangers
2018 Afternoon WI suffrage celebrations
2018 Weston Centre towards hearing loop
2018 EVR contribution to Chapel Street entrance
2018 Arts Festival Security at Ecclesbourne school
2019 Music at Duffield Concert contribution
2019 Evening WI 20 Ukeleles
2019 Duffield Pre-school Shed storage for play equipment
2019 2nd Duff Guides Tent for Peak 2020
2019 Meadows School Allotment project (raised beds)
2019 Meadows PTFA MEDFEST 2019
2019 Duffield Singers Podium
2019 Arts Festival Hire of 2 minibuses
2019 Cumberhills WI wifi speaker
2019 Emmanuel Community Projects towards Christmas lunches for the elderly
2020 Duffield Squash Club Junior squash courses (for WG & Meadows)
2020 Good Neighbours Project Project Cheer – hamper boxes, insurance
2021 Weston Centre towards a Defibrillator
2021 Duffield hedgehogs leaflets
2021 Duffield Tennis Club childrens tennis coaching
2021 Duffield Cricket Club donation towards Outdoor seating area
2022 Massive Table tennis table
2022 Duffield Squash Club Squash for Willy Gilly squash sessions
2022 Good Nieghbours Good Neighbours week refreshments
2022 Good Nieghbours Good Neighbours group Insurance
2022 Duffield Scouts 4 Duffield Scouts trip to Korea in 2023
2022 Weston Centre Helping Hands
2023 Amber Painting Gp laptop and DVD player
2023 Emmanuel Community Projects Massive  – Hobby Equipment
2023 Village Court planting
2023 William Gilbert Sch KS2 quiet area
2023 Save our Swifts Swift box materials
2023 Millennium Meadow Replacement bench
2023 Duffield Tennis Club Tennis groups for 3-5yr olds & 5-10 girls
2023 Methodist Church Sanding & polishing floor
2023 Duffield Dynamos Girls U9 Football jackets
2024 Duffield Preschool & Wrap-round Care Replace flood damaged storage box
2024 Duffield Scouts Trip to Scouts HQ, Essex and London
2024 Ecclesbourne School Two table tennis tables
2024 Duffield Repair Shop PAT tester & training