DCA Membership
NEW MEMBERS: If you would like to become a member to support the work of the DCA, please complete the attached membership form: DCA MEMBERSHIP FORM
Or join/renew ONLINE HERE
Existing members can pay 2024 subs by bank transfer or in cash – details below
The DCA is a charitable organisation raising money for the benefit of the village of Duffield. We run a membership scheme whereby households can pay a small annual donation which goes towards our work within the village.
DCA FLYER – 2024
Members will also receive our Newsletter in the Duffield Scene, giving details of all the latest happenings and forthcoming events in the village
DCA Subscriptions
Please support of the DCA by becoming a Member with an annual donation:
- All households £5 minimum donation
- Affiliate groups £10 minimum donation
We are happy for you to pay by whatever method suits you best. We have introduced online bank transfer payments which has proved popular, we are hoping it will be even more popular this year.
Pay online:
Bank: Charities Aid Foundation Bank (the CAF Bank is owned by a UK charity, Charities Aid Foundation, and is part of HSBC)
Account name: Duffield Community Association
Sort Code: 40-52-40
A/c number: 00033956
Please ensure your address is in the reference box so we can identify you, and send you the newsletter.
Or: In Cash in an envelope with your name and first line of your address on the back and delivered to “DCA Subs”, 8 Town Street, Duffield.
DCA SUBSCRIPTIONS 2025: You can set up a GoCardless Direct Debit to pay your future annual DCA subs here: Yearly Subscription (The next DD payment will be taken on 1st Jan 2025)
As usual, affiliate groups will be contacted by email.
All queries to: dca@duffieldvillage.co.uk
**Local groups, organisations and businesses can also become affiliated members and their details can be published HERE enabling residents to find the multitude of activities available**
Some of the things your subscriptions contribute towards:-
- Chapel Street Corner – we are now able to go ahead with our plans following the repairs to the river wall, these include an information board, new paving & planting.
- Defibrillators – installing defibrillators – the next one is being planned for New Zealand Lane.
- Wild Flowers – continue to sow wild flower seeds on some of the grass verges on the A6 once we have permission from Derbyshire County Council.
- Funding village organisations.
- Working alongside the Parish Council to enhance the appearance of the village.
- Continued support of “Duffield Goodneighbours” for the promotion of well-being within the village community.
- Decorating the village with Christmas trees and lights in December.
The next DUFFIELD CARNIVAL will be on Saturday 28th June 2025.
Please remember this is your village, please contact us with any ideas or suggestions you may have. (Contact details: dca@duffieldvillage.co.uk).