What the DCA does
The DCA is involved in many community projects “Enhancing Village Life in Duffield”:
This is the biggest event organized by the DCA, taking place during the last week in June with activities each day, culminating in the very successful Carnival.
The Carnival is organised by a sub committee of volunteers, some of whom are also on the Executive Committee
The Carnival aims to break even financially, but is obviously dependent on good weather and a safe and enjoyable day. Costs have risen in the past 2 years due to the need for security to address anti social behaviour issues.
Where there is a surplus of income over expenditure, this can be used to fund DCA managed Projects and to support Affiliate Organisations.
- The DCA Art Competition
For children of different ages in the village.
- Fireworks Night
DCA with the help of volunteers from around the village stage this annual event on the Friday evening nearest to 5th Nov.
- Christmas Decorations
Purchased and put up and taken down by DCA volunteers with the support of the Parish Council.
Originally developed and now maintained by the DCA.
In2019 the DCA renovated this area in order to improve its appearance and to deter its misuse:
Renovation of the seats
New railings to the back of the area
New railings around the raised flower bed
Additional plants to the rear garden area
This is in conjunction with new lighting installed by the Parish Council.
The cost to the DCA has been in excess of £7,500, which is higher than originally planned.
- The Rose Garden (next to the Library)
Roses purchased by the DCA and maintained by volunteers
- Bulb Planting by DCA volunteers
The initial bulb planting in 2017 was successful and further planting took place on verges in other strategic areas in subsequent years. We have planted over 10,000 bulbs over the last 5 years.
The DCA is co-ordinating a Project to increase the number of Defibrillators fully accessible to the public; and along with the British Heart Foundation, to increase awareness of how to react in the event of an emergency.
Other village Organistions are involved in this Project
We have plans to renovate this area and to install a Village Information Board.
The cost of the full Project will be almost £12,000. Support funding is required in order to proceed.
The DCA aims to support as many age and interest groups within the village as possible, in order that the whole community can benefit.
Over recent years, funding has included:
- Duffield Pre School (towards a new storage shed for equipment)
- Ecclesbourne Rangers (for a tent for camping for teenage girls)
- Three WI’s (for Ukukeles- to also be lent to other organisations in Duffield)
- EVR (for improvement of the entrance to the station and waiting room to attract more visitors to Duffield)
- The Arts Festival (hire of 2 buses to transport residents from local care homes )
- Millennium Meadow (towards an information Board)
- Music at Duffield (to sponsor the cost of the Musician for a concert)
- Silver Leaves ( to pay for transport for elderly members to their Christmas lunch)
- Duffield Meadows PTFA and School
- Duffield Squash & Tennis Clubs (coaching sessions for primary school children)
- Projects Managed by DCA Volunteers
The DCA is actively involved in improving the village environment for residents and visitors.
Ongoing Projects managed by volunteers and largely paid for by the DCA are listed under ‘Activities’ above.
The DCA has worked with the Parish Council in the past and is represented at the Recreation Meetings.
Donations have been made to the DCA reflecting volunteers’ help.
We have had a number of joint meetings on the Wirksworth Road Corner Project and the Parish Council have recently awarded the DCA funds to purchase new shrubs for the area at the back of the Corner. In addition they have provided the funds to buy more bulbs for the grass verges. Together we are discussing improved Christmas Decorations. Such items are normally funded by the Parish Council.
Discussions have being ongoing for a long time on ways to improve facilities for teenagers.
Examples (not exhaustive) are:
The provision of a separate space beyond the railway line
A Trim trail
Whilst the DCA is keen to be proactive in all of the above, it is unable to do so without the support of the Parish Council.