DCA Projects – Duffield Defibrillators

Find out where they are and what to do in case of an emergency

Click HERE to download the DUFFIELD DEFIBS map

Did you know:

October 16th each year is World RESTART A HEART DAY!

To mark this day and as part of a project involving other village Organisations, and supported by the British Heart Foundation, the Duffield Community Association announced its commitment to purchase a further Defibrillator for Duffield which will be fully accessible to the public.

This follows on from the award winning entry to the Scarecrow Trail made by the residents of Cumberhills Road (Song: STAYIN’ ALIVE by the Bee Gees). Not only were the scarecrows well made, but also there was a serious theme…… What to do in the event of a heart attack; and the fact that we were aware of only 2 Defibrillators which are fully accessible to the public in Duffield. (by the Co-op; and at the Changing Rooms on Eyes Meadow)



To further raise awareness of this issue, the British Heart Foundation are prepared to hold training sessions on CPR in the village on how to use a Defibrillator in the event of an emergency; and further accessible Defibrillators are planned to be installed by village organisations.

Look out for further updates!


Why do we need more defibrillators?

Key points

  1. Sudden cardiac arrest is a leading cause of premature death. In cardiac arrest the heart’s steady rhythm is often replaced by disorganised electrical activity called ventricular fibrillation (VF). The sooner VF is treated by an electrical shock (defibrillation), the greater the chance of the person’s life being saved. Immediate action by members of the public can save many lives.
    • The risk of cardiac arrest increases with age. In Europe, around 1 person in 1,000 suffers cardiac arrest each year.
    • In the UK, there are approximately 60,000 cardiac arrests annually. Resuscitation is attempted in only about half of these.
  1. Many people who collapse with cardiac arrest can be saved if people nearby:
    • Recognise what has happened
    • Call for an emergency ambulance immediately
    • Start and continue cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) – especially chest compressions
    • Use an AED to shock the heart back to its normal rhythm.
  1. AEDs are compact, portable, easy to use, safe and very effective. They can be used by anyone, whether or not they have had formal training. An AED gives the person using it voice instructions. An AED will not allow a shock to be given unless the collapsed person needs one. AEDs can be stored for long periods without use and need very little maintenance.
    • In an emergency, a defibrillator can be the difference between life and death, which is why we want to ensure that this essential equipment is installed where anyone can access it and provide the crucial response in a life-threatening situation.”
    • A person’s chance of surviving a cardiac arrest increases from 6% to over 70% if they are treated with a defibrillator and effective CPR is performed within the first five minutes.
    • The chances of resuscitation fall by at least 10% with every minute that defibrillation is delayed.
    • You don’t need any training to use an AED in an emergency. Voice prompts tell you what to do.

The chain of survival, emphasising the importance of recognising cardiac arrest, calling for help, starting CPR and using a defibrillator without delay.

The Chain of Survival is used to emphasise the sequence of urgent actions needed when someone collapses with a suspected cardiac arrest.

The first three steps can all be done immediately by members of the public: 

1. Call 999 (or 112) for an ambulance

2. Start CPR and continue this until the ambulance arrives

3. Send someone to fetch an AED, attach its pads to the collapsed person, and follow its instructions.

If we can save one life by this initiative it will be worth it