
Are you aware of the DCA and what it does?

If not then please click on the image below….

The DCA’s projects and support to village groups are funded in three ways; your membership subscriptions, the Carnival and grants e.g. from the Parish Council. THIS LINK will take you to the Jan 2022 copy of our monthly Newsletter, giving you a better idea of what the DCA has done in 2021 and whats planned for 2022.
Your participation in, and subscription to the DCA is important, if you wish to maintain this support, or become a new member, annual membership is now due. You may pay by whatever method suits you; £5 for households, £10 for affiliated organisations. New members, please complete this membership form
Online bank transfer is popular and preferred: we bank with the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) Bank as per below;
Account name: Duffield Community Association, Sort Code: 40-52-40 A/c number: 00033956
Please use the first line of your address in the reference box so we can identify you, and so we can deliver a Newsletter to you.
Cash or cheques are also accepted. Cheques made payable to ‘Duffield Community Association’ please.
Affiliate groups will be contacted by email.
If you know of others who might want to support the DCA in its endeavours, please encourage them to join. All queries to dca@duffield